Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hey Everbody,
Today is Kelsi's birthday! yay! I'm so happy, but now I'm like the youngest person in our whole entire group. :( But it's okay because my birthday is in 10 days! I've waited my whole life to have a friend who's birthday was close to mine, and now I have one! Bitchin'! LOL. Although, I am kind of a horrible friend since I didn't bring Kelsi her gift to school. I didn't forget her birthday, I just didn't have time to go to the store and get her something. So I'll just give her something when I see her on Saturday for her birthday party! I'm so excited! I'm kind of sad though because I didn't get to stay at shcool the whole day for her because I had to go to my doctor's appointment. :( I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. what doesn't kill you doesn't kill you! LOL1 I totally came up with that one! So I Post some more stuff later....
Love Ya,